Fundamental Analysis

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Fundamental Analysis: this article explains the Fundamental Analysis in a practical way. After reading you will understand the basics of this powerful financial management and investment analysis tool.

What is the Fundamental Analysis?

A Fundamental Analysis is usually used in the investments world and provides sound information about the financial statements and the financial health of a company or organization so that it becomes clear for a buyer whether it is attractive to buy a share or not.

Based on the stock exchange listing (Forex Futures), a Fundamental Analysis focuses on the interest rate, production, revenue and (asset) management of an organization. This Fundamental Analysis has a look inside an organization and makes a forecast of the company’s results.

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Different approaches

A Fundamental Analysis is executed based on current and historical financial data and backgrounds of a company.
There are four different approaches:

  • Calculation of the stock valuation of a company and a forecast of the probable price movements;
  • Forecast and projection of the corporate performance;
  • The evaluation of the (asset) management and making of internal corporate decisions;
  • Calculation of the credit risk.

Technical analysis

The counterpart of the fundamental theory is the technical analysis. Trends in the share price movements are reviewed in this analysis and the analyst will try to recognize patterns in these movements.

Emotional responses of investors to price developments can lead to recognizable price graph patterns. Investors use both analyses, however, for the choosing/buying of shares (stock picking).

Division into three categories

The fundamental analysis itself comprises three sub-analyses:

  1. An economic analysis;
  2. An industrial analysis;
  3. A corporate analysis.

The intrinsic value of the shares is determined on the basis of these sub-analyses. If the intrinsic value is higher than the market price, it is advisable to sell the share. If the price is equal to the market price of the share, it is advisable to keep the share and if this is below the market price, the best option is to sell the share.

Different portfolio styles

Investors can use the Fundamental Analysis within the different portfolio management styles.

Fundamental Analysis : Buy and keep

Investors believe in active steering between ‘good’ companies, as a result of which an investor will grow with the company. Even the shares of ‘bad’ companies fluctuate and create opportunities to make a profit. They can also rely on the economic cycle before determining whether the circumstances are ‘good’ enough to buy shares from possibly suitable companies.

Contrarian investors

These investors distinguish themselves by a ‘short term ‘ approach, the market is a voting machine and not a weighing machine. Own decisions are made because of which signals from the market are ignored.

Value investors

They restrict their attention to undervalued companies and they believe that these companies will not collapse quickly. The value is determined on the basis of a Fundamental Analysis.

Fundamental analysis: Top-down and bottom-up

Investors can choose for both a top-down and a bottom-up approach in a fundamental analysis:

  • In the top-down approach the investor begins his analysis with the global economy, in which the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), growth rates, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, productivity and energy prices play an important role. Next he targets a regional analysis of companies in which he pays attention to the total sales, price level, the effect of rival products and foreign competition. This is how he finds the best companies in a certain area.
  • In the bottom-up approach the investor begins his search at specific companies, irrespective of their sector/area.

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It’s Your Turn

What do you think? Is the Fundamental Analysis still applicable in today’s modern buy and sell of companies? Do you recognize the practical explanation or do you have more additions? What are your success factors for a good fundamental analysis?

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More information

  1. Haugen, R. A., & Haugen, R. A. (2001). Modern investment theory. Prentice Hall.
  2. Pruitt, S. W., & Friedman, M. (1986). Determining the effectiveness of consumer boycotts: A stock price analysis of their impact on corporate targets. Journal of Consumer Policy, 9(4), 375-387.
  3. Roberts, H. V. (1959). Stock‐Market “Patterns” And Financial Analysis: Methodological Suggestions. The Journal of Finance, 14(1), 1-10.
  4. Thomsett, M. C. (1998). Mastering fundamental analysis. Kaplan Business.

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Vincent van Vliet
Article by:

Vincent van Vliet

Vincent van Vliet is co-founder and responsible for the content and release management. Together with the team Vincent sets the strategy and manages the content planning, go-to-market, customer experience and corporate development aspects of the company.


2 responses to “Fundamental Analysis”

  1. Michael Medley says:

    “If the intrinsic value is higher than the market price, it is advisable to sell the share.” Buy, surely.

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