Team Coaching explained including steps

Team Coaching - Toolshero

Team coaching: This article explains team coaching in a practical way. The article starts with the definition of this term, followed by an explanation of how teams work and why teams and collaboration are important to achieve success. You can also read about the core elements of team coaching, in the form of a step-by-step plan. Enjoy reading!

What is team coaching?

Team coaching is the process of guiding a group of people towards achieving a goal. It includes working with the team to help them improve skills, improve their performance, and improve their relationships and communication. The goal of team coaching is to create a high-performing team that collaborates, innovates and adapts.

This process is becoming increasingly important in today’s business world, which is changing rapidly and becoming more complex. Organizations are increasingly dependent on teams that deliver results, so the need for effective team coaching is growing.

Effective collaboration and team coaching ensures continuous improvement, improved involvement and enhanced motivation. It also creates a sense of responsibility and ownership.

This form of coaching has been around for a long time, but has only recently gained popularity. As organizations increasingly recognize the importance of team coaching, there is increasing investment in team development to improve team performance and productivity.

There are several methods and techniques for coaching groups, including group coaching, team building, individual coaching, and feedback and brainstorming sessions. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages and can be adapted to meet the specific needs of a team.

Who is team coaching for?

There are several reasons why team coaching is necessary. Below are some of those reasons.

Disappointing performance

If a team is not performing to its potential, team coaching can help identify and remove the underlying reasons. A good team coach helps to come up with specific strategies that ensure that the team performs better.

Communication problems

Barriers in communication can prevent a team from being successful. Team coaching can help improve communication within the team and beyond. Improved communication also makes for better and more productive collaborations.


Team coaches often specialize in dealing with conflicts within teams. They can restore harmony within the team and increase productivity.

Team building

A good coach can help create a sense of unity and belonging within a team. This often leads to increased motivation and involvement of team members in the work itself and the common goal of the team.

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Change is difficult for almost every person, but perhaps even more difficult for a team as a whole. Every one within the team has to learn to deal with change and does so in different ways. A coach can help team members get used to the new situation.

Step-by-step plan for team coaching

Below you can read more about the basic elements of coaching. You can also see these elements as a step-by-step plan for teamcoaching.

Step 1: define objectives

The first step in this process involves defining specific and clear goals for the team to work towards. This is an important step in the process because without clear objectives the team and team members will not have a good understanding of what they are working towards. For that reason they can never show the right enthusiasm.

During the process of developing goals, it is important to involve the team members. Think of a group discussion, brainstorming session or holding discussions.

Team members can then freely share their ideas and thoughts. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and that team members gain a sense of ownership and motivation.

The objectives should, if possible, follow the SMART format (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound). SMART goals ensure that the team works with objectives that are achievable and meaningful.

In summary, this first step is crucial for setting the tone for the further process.

Defining clear objectives gives team members more reasons to commit to effective collaborations, motivation and productivity.

Step 2: create a safe and supportive environment

The second step in the team coaching process involves creating a safe and supportive work environment.

This step should not be skipped, because the immediate environment of the team can have a lot of influence on the productivity, creativity and general well-being of the team.

Creating a safe environment consists of a number of elements. First of all, it is important to set clear expectations of the way the team is expected to treat each other.

Consider creating handbooks for communication, conflict management, and respect for each other’s ideas and opinions.

In addition, the focus must be on trust and openness within the team. If team members don’t feel they can speak up and share their ideas, sometimes they won’t share things that could be valuable.

It is also important to be open because everyone wants to feel heard and understood.

The team must also be provided with all the resources they need to perform their work properly. Think of training, knowledge, tools and technology.

Finally, feedback mechanisms must be established. Everyone should feel free to provide constructive feedback, including those in higher positions.

Step 3: assess strengths and weaknesses

The third step involves evaluating a team’s strengths and weaknesses. This step is important because it allows the coach to understand how the team is doing. A good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses helps the team and the coach to create a strong action plan.

To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a team, the coach can use different tools and methods.

These methods can provide valuable insights into how the team works, such as communication styles and decision-making processes.

Once this evaluation is complete, the coach can provide feedback on the team’s performance. The intention is to emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of the team, as well as areas where the team can improve.

The feedback should be constructive and specific. It should be presented in a respectful and supportive manner. It shouldn’t seem like the coach is criticizing and doesn’t elaborate on how the team can improve.

The team should be part of the evaluation process because they know best how exactly the team works together and performs. The coach has a guiding role and encourages open communication and transparency.

Step 4: develop a Team Coaching action plan

The fourth step in this process is to develop an action plan based on the team’s strengths and weaknesses. This action plan must be drawn up with the aim of improving the performance of the team and helping them achieve the set objectives.

To create an effective action plan, the coach must again work with the team to select specific actions and strategies that meet the needs of the team. The action plan should be SMART here as well.

The action plan should also contain clear roles and responsibilities for each team member. It should include timelines and deadlines for each item on the list as well.

The coach is responsible for ensuring clarity: each team member must know exactly where he or she stands. The coach must furthermore ensure that everyone is committed and motivated.If motivation is lacking, the objectives and items of the action plan may not be ambitious enough.

Once the action plan is complete, the coach should continue to provide support to the team. Consider, for example, guidance and feedback during the implementation of the plan. Training and development can also be part of this.

Step 5: provide feedback and support during Team Coaching

The final step in this process is to provide support and feedback once the team begins implementing the action plan. This step is important because it allows the coach to measure the team’s actual progress. Based on this, help and support is offered.

In order to carry out this step effectively, the coach should regularly meet with the team for evaluation and discussion. The coach uses various tools and techniques, such as constructive feedback and positive reinforcement.

It is also valuable for the team to provide feedback to the coach. This allows the coach to tailor his or her working method even better to the needs of the team. It also helps to create an open and transparent work culture.

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Now it is your turn

What do you think? Do you recognize the explanation about team coaching? Have you ever participated in team coaching activities? Do you think there is more need for coaching than a few years ago? Do you like working in a team? Or are you more inclined to work individually? What else would you like to know about coaching groups?

Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below.

More information

  1. Britton, J. J. (2015). Expanding the coaching conversation: Group and team coaching. Industrial and Commercial Training. Britton, J. J. (2015). Expanding the coaching conversation: Group and team coaching. Industrial and Commercial Training.
  2. Clutterbuck, D. (2010). Team coaching. The complete handbook of coaching, 271-283.
  3. Peters, J., & Carr, C. (2013). Team effectiveness and team coaching literature review. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 6(2), 116-136.
  4. Salas, E., DiazGranados, D., Klein, C., Burke, C. S., Stagl, K. C., Goodwin, G. F., & Halpin, S. M. (2008). Does team training improve team performance? A meta-analysis. Human factors, 50(6), 903-933.

How to cite this article:
Janse, B. (2023). Team Coaching. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero:

Original publication date: 05/30/2023 | Last update: 05/30/2023

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Ben Janse
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Ben Janse

Ben Janse is a young professional working at ToolsHero as Content Manager. He is also an International Business student at Rotterdam Business School where he focusses on analyzing and developing management models. Thanks to his theoretical and practical knowledge, he knows how to distinguish main- and side issues and to make the essence of each article clearly visible.


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