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Employee Satisfaction

Employee Satisfaction: this short article explains CEmployee Satisfaction in a practical way. Next to what it is, this articel also highlights how it’s measured (surveys) and tips. Enjoy reading!

Employee Satisfaction: this short article explains CEmployee Satisfaction in a practical way. Next to what it is, this articel also highlights how it’s measured (surveys) and tips. Enjoy reading!

What is employee satisfaction?

The definition of Employee Satisfaction refers to the perception of employees as to whether their aspirations are being met in the workplace.

In almost all cases, perceptions of general happiness are the main indicator for determining whether an employee is happy. Employee satisfaction is closely linked to workforce productivity.

If employees are happy and engaged, they are more likely to feel motivated to work hard to achieve good results. On the other hand, dissatisfied employees will tend to do the bare minimum.

Employees who are really dissatisfied will eventually quit. Which is why it is so important to keep good employees feeling satisfied at work.

Several factors influence the levels of satisfaction amongst employees. One of the most important aspects where satisfaction is concerned, is whether employees feel respected.

Employees feel respected when they are recognised for their achievements and when the rewards they receive are in line with their work performance.

Empowering employees is a way to boost the level of satisfaction among employees. Management ultimately makes most of the decisions, but employees feel better about their work when they are given enough autonomy. Factors such as career advancement opportunities, company activities / events and a positive relationship with the management are also important.

How is employee satisfaction actually measured?

This is measured within an organisation, department or team. Measuring the level of satisfaction of a single employee is difficult, as a great deal of subjectivity is inherently involved when a single employee is assessed. This is why employers focus on group efforts to improve it in the workplace.

Employee satisfaction survey

Research into this form of satisfaction often consists of surveys or other types of questionnaires.

Generally, these questionnaires focus on aspects such as the expectations of the management, internal communications, the level stress involved in the job, relationships with colleagues or other issues.

Employee satisfaction surveys are valuable for a number of reasons and are directly related to morale and employee engagement and satisfaction levels within a company. These types of questionnaires also reveal more information about the following matters:

  • Health benefits
  • Rewards
  • Management performance
  • Career opportunities and personal development
  • Work environment

Sample questions in an employee satisfaction questionnaire

The questionnaire should be made up of good questions that provide information directly related to employee satisfaction. A number of examples are given below:

  • How challenging is your work?
  • How meaningful do you find your job?
  • Do you ever feel stressed?
  • How good do you think the salary is that you are paid?
  • Do you think your opinion is heard in the workplace?
  • Do you see any opportunities to advance your career from your current job?
  • How likely is it that you will look for another job?

Tips for a good employee satisfaction survey

Once the right questions have been compiled, it is important to make sure that as many employees as possible fill in the questionnaire. This is essential in order to paint as reliable a picture as possible of how things really are on the work floor.

Ensure confidentiality

Employees need to feel assured in terms of confidentiality, to be able to share their honest opinions.

Therefore, consider making the questionnaire anonymous. This enhances the sense of certainty and safety.

Use correct language

Use clear and correct language. Avoid using words that people may not know. Also keep the wording of the questions consistent over the years. That way, the satisfaction is measured the same way each year.

Use technology

Online questionnaires can help achieve a high participation rate. Various tools are available on the Internet for this purpose, either for a fee or free of charge.

How can I improve employee satisfaction?


This form of satisfaction can be raised by being flexible. Employees who assume more control over their work and are able to carry it out autonomously should be a priority.

More and more focus is being placed on maintaining a healthy work-life balance, so it is important to give employees the opportunity to adopt flexible working schedules or to work from home.

Accepting that employees start and finish at different times also has the advantage that daily commuter traffic is spread out more evenly.

Defining roles

In addition to autonomy and flexibility playing a positive role when it comes to satisfaction, allowing employees to shape and define their own roles also has a positive influence on engagement and satisfaction. Those who are able to define their roles on the grounds of their strengths and weaknesses tend to enjoy more satisfaction with their work.

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Tips & tricks

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