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Management Skills

Management skills have been pointed out, explained and advocated for, for a long time. The requirements of a good manager change based on the time period and current work environment. For example, most management skills deemed essential in the 70s are unimportant in the 21st century. Accurate, essential and effective management skills are based on the current way of working. The societal structure, power relations and the economy can be factors of influence on management.

Management skills have been pointed out, explained and advocated for, for a long time. The requirements of a good manager change based on the time period and current work environment. For example, most management skills deemed essential in the 70s are unimportant in the 21st century. Accurate, essential and effective management skills are based on the current way of working. The societal structure, power relations and the economy can be factors of influence on management.

Three types of management skills

Several management skills are deemed to be important in our current working environment. Three management skills have stood the test of time and are still relevant today, even though they have been used or identified since the 70s. These are conceptual skills, technical skills and interpersonal skills.

Conceptual skills

Conceptual skills enable a manager to look beyond his job position. A good manager has a clear view of the company, is processes and vision. Based on the company’s vision and strategy, a manager can make decisions when required. A manager can base the priorities of tasks on this vision. Based on a clear concept and knowledge of the company, a manager can ensure success. Additionally, a manager makes decisions which are not only profitable for his own team, but for the whole department or company as well. Grasping the bigger picture and impact is essential.

Technical skills versus delegating tasks

Technical skills are usually mostly a requirement for team members that perform certain tasks. However, for a good manager, technical skills and understanding is also necessary. This can bridge the gap between technically trained team members and management focused people. Depending on the company and situation, the requirement for technical skills can vary. A good manager can delegate tasks. This can be all tasks that require technical skills. Of course, it is necessary for a manager to have knowledge of the work, programs and other tools that are used.

Interpersonal skills

The third type of management skills that is essential are the interpersonal skills. Being a manager means working with people. As a manager you are responsible for delivering results on time. To ensure this result, you will need different ways to communicate with team members. Listening, discussing and explaining ensure mutual understanding. Additionally, a manager can stimulate and motivate team members to work harder or more efficiently.

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Management skills of growing importance

These interpersonal skills have been expanded upon based on the continuously evolving work environment. For example, benign able to delegate tasks is an important management skill. Delegating can be most efficient when the qualities and skills of team members are put to use properly. This means that interpersonal skills have become more important. A manager who communicates well with team members, has knowledge of their abilities and preferences.

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