Jeff Hiatt biography and books

Jeff Hiatt (Prosci) - ToolsHeroJeff Hiatt (Jeffrey M. Hiatt) is an entrepreneur and author who created the ADKAR Model of Change. The model derived from research Jeff Hiatt performed and is additionally presented in his book ‘ADKAR: a model for change in business, government, and our community.

He also authored other books such as Change Management: The People Side of Change, The Perfect Change, and ‘Survival Guide to Change.

Jeff Hiatt biography

Jeff Hiatt was born in the United States and currently lives in Colorado. He went to the Colorado State University where he obtained his Bachelor of Science in Engineering. After his study at Colorado State University, Jeff Hiatt later completed a Master degree from Rutgers University.

Jeff Hiatt started his professional career by working as a program manager for Bell Laboratories, now known as Nokia Bell Labs. He was in his position responsible for restructuring business processes in the United States and Europe.

The job enabled him to gain more expertise in change management. He also executed research projects along with more than 2600 organizations around the globe to identify what kind of changes work and what does not work. The findings of his research are published in ‘ADKAR: a model for change in business, government, and our community.’

Jeff Hiatt’s expertise in combination with his entrepreneurial ability made him establish Prosci in 1995. Prosci is an organization dedicated to helping organizations make successful changes.

His business’ primary activities are service related and include providing consultancy, training, and webinars. It additionally gives members access to change management related articles, and access the research Jeff Hiatt have executed.

Jeff Hiatt believes the crucial factor for the success of change depends on the implementation of the human factor in the new design of the business process.

Prosci has the availability of more than 35000 professionals globally. The company has today provided help to the largest globally recognized businesses of which most of them are fortune 500 companies. Jeff Hiatt’s research experiences enable him to make changes at organizations actionable and applicable.

Jeff Hiatt’s expertise in change management was and still is highly valued. In the past, he worked along with numerous organizations, both national as international, on change management. Due to his previous research activities and experience with different type of change he can design whole business processes.

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Publications and Books

  • 2012. Change Management. The People Side of Change. Prosci Learning Centre Publications. Colorado. USA.
  • 2006. The Essence of ADKAR: a model for individual change management. Retrieved September, 7, 2008.
  • 2006. ADKAR: A Model for Change in Business, Government and our Community. Loveland. CO: Prosci Learning Center Publications.
  • 2004. Employee’s Survival Guide to Change: The complete guide to surviving and thriving during organizational change. Prosci.
  • 1994. Winning with quality applying quality principles in product development.

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Zeeman, A. (2018). Jeff Hiatt. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero:

Original publication date:: 07/14/2018 | Last update: 08/15/2023

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Alexander Zeeman
Article by:

Alexander Zeeman

Alexander Zeeman is Content Manager at ToolsHero where he focuses on Content production, Content management and marketing. He is also an International Business student at Rotterdam Business school. Currently, in his study, working on the development of various management competencies and improving operational business processes.


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