Jeffrey Rayport

Jeffrey Rayport is a consultant, author and founder/chairman of Marketspace LLC, a strategic consultancy firm that has leading companies as customers. Marketspace helps customers reinvent their customer relationship management. He is also founder of the famous Internet management model: the virtual value chain model.

Biography Jeffrey Rayport

Over the years, Jeffrey Rayport has gained experience and knowledge with respect to practical applications in the field of information intensive industries such as media and entertainment, retail and financial services. He has written a number of MBA-level textbooks on e-Commerce.

Furthermore, Jeffrey Rayport has written a best-selling business book on the integration of multi-channel customer experiences. In 1996, he introduced the concept and term of “viral marketing” in the article The Virus of Marketing (1996).

Jeffrey Rayport has built up a wonderful academic background at Harvard Business School, the University of Cambridge and Harvard University. He is interested in Marketing and E-commerce and he has developed courses with respect to these subjects. In addition to his academic knowledge and experience, Jeffrey Rayport has served as a director of various public and private organizations.

He has provided his services to organizations such as Andrews McMeel Universal, GSI Commerce, International Data Group, Crispin Porter + Bogusky and Brodeur.

Publications and books by Jeffrey Rayport et al.

  • 2013. Advertising’s new medium: human experience. Harvard business review, 91(3), 76-82.
  • 2011. What is Facebook, Really. HBR Blog Network.
  • 2009. Social networks are the new Web portals. Retrieved April, 2, 2011.
  • 2009. Envisioning the cloud: the next computing paradigm. Int. J. Database Manage. Syst.(IJDMS), 1(1).
  • 2009. How social networks are changing everything.
  • 2008. Where is advertising going? Into ‘Stitials’/JF Stevenson. Harvard Business Review.–May.
  • 2005. Best face forward: improving companies’ service interfaces with customers. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 19(4), 67-80.
  • 2005. Best face forward: Why companies must improve their service interfaces with customers. Harvard Business Press.
  • 2004. Best face forward. Harvard business review, 82(12), 47-59.
  • 2002. Introduction to e-Commerce. McGraw-Hill/Irwin marketspaceU.
  • 2001. Cases in e-Commerce. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
  • 2000. Harvard Business School Case, 9-801.
  • 2000. e-Commerce. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
  • 1999. Harvard Business Review on Breakthrough Thinking (Vol. 3). Harvard Business Press.
  • 1999. The truth about Internet business models. Strategy and Business, 5-7.
  • 1998. Winning in Electronic Commerce. Harvard Business School Pub.
  • 1997. The coming battle for customer information. McKinsey Quarterly, 64-77.
  • 1997. Spark Innovation through Emphatic Design. Harward Business Review, November-December, 102-113.
  • 1997. The new infomediaries. The McKinsey Quarterly, (4), 54.
  • 1996. The virus of marketing. Fast Company, 6(1996), 68.
  • 1995. Exploiting the virtual value chain. Harvard business review, 73(6), 75.
  • 1994. Managing in the Marketspace. Harvard Business Review, 72(6), 141-150.
  • 1990. Knee-deep and rising: America’s recycling crisis. Harvard business review, 69(5), 128-139.

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Published on: 12/14/2010 | Last update: 08/30/2022

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Vincent van Vliet
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Vincent van Vliet

Vincent van Vliet is co-founder and responsible for the content and release management. Together with the team Vincent sets the strategy and manages the content planning, go-to-market, customer experience and corporate development aspects of the company.

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