Kevin Lane Keller biography, quotes and books

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Kevin Lane Keller (1956) is a professor of Marketing with the focus on branding and strategic brand management. Due to his experience in branding, Kevin Lane Keller invented the Brand Equity Model which is sometimes called Customer-Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE model) and the Brand Pyramid.

Kevin Lane Keller biography

He studied Economics and Mathematics at Cornell University, Masters of Business Administrations in Marketing at Carnegie-Mellon University, and Ph.D. in Marketing at Duke University.

In his previous jobs, he worked as a consultant and advisor for well-known successful brands such as Disney, Ford, Proctor & Gamble, American Express, and Bank of America. He also served as a trustee of the Marketing Science Institute, a non-profit research organization dedicated to connecting marketing theory to business practices.

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Additionally, Kevin Lane Keller was a member of the faculty of the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University and was the head the marketing group.

Strategic brand management

At this moment, he lectures Masters of Business Administration courses in marketing management and strategic brand management at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth college. In his past, he has also conducted marketing seminars for top executives all over the globe and is a popular keynote speaker for various business organizations.

Kevin Lane Keller is mainly interested in research how theories and concepts related to consumer behavior can improve marketing strategies. His researches have been published by large marketing journals such as the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of Consumer Research. Additionally, he was a member of the Editorial Board of these journals.

He is also the author of Strategic Brand Management (2011, 2008), an all-time best-seller in strategic brand management that is acknowledged by others as the bible for branding. Furthermore, Kevin Lane Keller is the co-author of Marketing Management (since the 12th edition), a best-seller marketing book designed by Phillip Kotler.

Keller is acknowledged as a marketing- and branding guru. According to his students, professor Keller’s teaching style balances academic theory with real business examples perfectly. Currently, he is conducting multiple studies that address strategies to build, measure, and manage brand equity.

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Kevin Lane Keller quotes

  1. “Is marketing management an art or a science? Some marketing observers maintain that good marketing is more of an art and does not lend itself to rigorous analysis and deliberation. Others strongly disagree and contend that marketing management is a highly disciplined enterprise that has much in common with other business disciplines.”
  2. “You don’t spend ten years appealing to middle-aged women and then suddenly turn around and start trying to connect with 25-year-old women. You’re almost certainly going to alienate the people who have an investment in your brand, and there’s no guarantee you’re going to be successful with the new group.”
  3. “I can see why people have stopped hating them, but can’t see why people would start loving them.”

Books, articles and publications

  • 2017. Managing the growth trade-off: Challenges and opportunities in luxury branding. In Advances in Luxury Brand Management (pp. 179-198). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • 2011, 2008. Strategic brand management: Building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Pearson Education India.
  • 2010. Brand equity management in a multichannel, multimedia retail environment. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(2), 58-70.
  • 2009. Building strong brands in a modern marketing communications environment. Journal of marketing communications.
  • 2009. Assessing long-term brand potential. Journal of Brand Management, 17(1), 6-17.
  • 2008. Best Practice Cases in Branding. Pearson Education India.
  • 2008. Strategic brand management: A European perspective. Pearson Education.
  • 2008. The structure of survey-based brand metrics. Journal of International Marketing, 16(4), 29-56.
  • 2006. Brands and branding: Research findings and future priorities. Marketing science, 25(6), 740-759.
  • 2006. Linking brand equity to customer equity. Journal of service research, 9(2), 125-138.
  • 2006. The importance of corporate brand personality traits to a successful 21st century business. Journal of Brand Management, 14(1-2), 74-81.
  • 2006. How social-cause marketing affects consumer perceptions. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(2), 49.
  • 2004. Understanding retail branding: conceptual insights and research priorities. Journal of retailing.
  • 2004. A roadmap for branding in industrial markets. The Journal of Brand Management, 11(5), 388-402.
  • 2003. The marketing advantages of strong brands. The Journal of Brand Management.
  • 2003. Marketing management. Analyse, Planung, Umsetzung und.
  • 2003. Brand synthesis: The multidimensionality of brand knowledge. Journal of consumer research, 29(4), 595-600.
  • 2003. Brand familiarity and advertising repetition effects. Journal of consumer research.
  • 2003. Building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Aufl., Upper Saddle River.
  • 2003. Brand equity dilution. MIT Sloan Management Review, 45(1), 12.
  • 2003. Understanding brands, branding and brand equity. Interactive Marketing, 5(1), 7-20.
  • 2003. How do brands create value?. Marketing management, 12(3), 26-26.
  • 2002. Building brand equity through corporate societal marketing. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.
  • 2002. Branding and brand equity. Handbook of marketing.
  • 2002. Relating brand and customer perspectives on marketing management. Journal of Service Research, 5(1), 13-25.
  • 2002. Three questions you need to ask about your brand. Harvard business review, 80(9), 80-89.
  • 2001. Building customer-based brand equity: A blueprint for creating strong brands.
  • 2001. Mastering the marketing communications mix: Micro and macro perspectives on integrated marketing communication programs.
  • 2000. The brand report card. Harvard Business Review.
  • 1999. Brand mantras: Rationale, criteria and examples. Journal of Marketing Management, 15(1-3), 43-51.
  • 1999. Measuring brand power: validating a model for optimizing brand equity. Journal of product & brand management, 8(3), 170-184.
  • 1999. Managing brands for the long run: Brand reinforcement and revitalization strategies. California management review, 41(3), 102-124.
  • 1998. The effects of brand name suggestiveness on advertising recall. The journal of marketing, 48-57.
  • 1998. The impact of corporate marketing on a company’s brand extensions. Corporate Reputation Review, 1(4), 356-378.
  • 1997. Managing the corporate brand: the effects of corporate marketing activity on consumer evaluations of brand extensions. na.
  • 1996. Evaluating diversity training: 17 ready-to-use tools. San Diego, Ca.
  • 1993. Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. the Journal of Marketing, 1-22.
  • 1993. Interpreting cross-cultural replications of brand extension research. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 10(1), 55-59.
  • 1992. The effects of sequential introduction of brand extensions. Journal of marketing research, 35-50.
  • 1991. Memory and evaluation effects in competitive advertising environments. Journal of Consumer Research, 17(4), 463-476.
  • 1991. Cue compatibility and framing in advertising. Journal of Marketing Research, 42-57.
  • 1990. Consumer evaluations of brand extensions. The Journal of Marketing, 27-41.
  • 1989. The information processing of coordinated media campaigns. Journal of Marketing Research, 26(2), 149.
  • 1987. Memory factors in advertising: The effect of advertising retrieval cues on brand evaluations. Journal of Consumer Research.
  • 1987. Effects of quality and quantity of information on decision effectiveness. Journal of consumer research.

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Zeeman, A. (2017). Kevin Lane Keller. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero:

Original publication date: 07/17/2017 | Last update: 06/27/2024

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Alexander Zeeman
Article by:

Alexander Zeeman

Alexander Zeeman is Content Manager at ToolsHero where he focuses on Content production, Content management and marketing. He is also an International Business student at Rotterdam Business school. Currently, in his study, working on the development of various management competencies and improving operational business processes.


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