Malcolm Baldrige

Malcolm Baldrige jr. (1922 – 1987) was especially famous for his role as United States Secretary of Commerce. He was arguably one of the most prominent leaders in the world.

Biography Malcolm Baldrige

In 1944 Malcolm Baldrige obtained a Bachelor’s degree (BA.) from the Yale University in the United States.

Shortly after he had completed his studies, he joined the army. During the Second World War Baldrige served in combat in the Pacific as Captain in the 27th Infantry Division.

After the war (1947), Baldrige began his career at a production company in Connecticut (United States) that specialized in casting iron. Within this organization he rose to the position of President. (1960). He fulfilled this role for two years.

In 1962, Baldrige continued his career as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Scovill Inc., a large production company of consumer goods. Baldrige made an important contribution to the organizational change that helped the company solve its financial troubles.

This ground breaking realization shed a positive light on Baldrige which in turn led to his nomination for the position of United States Secretary of Commerce.

In 1981 Malcolm Baldrige got to work. During his term of office, Malcolm Baldrige played a major role in developing and carrying out Administration trade policy. His excellent qualities contributed to a reduction of the budget (by 30%) and of administrative personnel (by 25%). In addition, he took the lead in resolving the difficulties in technology transfers with China and India. Malcolm Baldrige held Cabinet-level talks with the Soviet Union. In seven years ‘time he paved the way for increased access for American companies to the Soviet market.

In 1982, Malcolm Baldrige was the President of the Trade Strike Force committee that had been set up to investigate unfair trading practices and make recommendations to end those practices.

Malcolm Baldrige died on 25 July 1987 in a rodeo accident in California.


  1. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2010. Biography of Malcolm Baldridge. Retrieved 17-10-2014 from NIST:

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Vincent van Vliet
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Vincent van Vliet

Vincent van Vliet is co-founder and responsible for the content and release management. Together with the team Vincent sets the strategy and manages the content planning, go-to-market, customer experience and corporate development aspects of the company.

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