Mathieu Weggeman biography and books

Mathieu Weggeman - Toolshero

Mathieu Weggeman (1953) is Professor of Organizational Science and in particular of Innovation Management at the Eindhoven University of Technology. In addition he is a strategic associate at Squarewise and runs his own practice as an executive advisor.

Biography Mathieu Weggeman

Mathieu Weggeman obtained his master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology. He holds a Ph.D. in Strategic Management from the Tilburg University.

He subsequently worked as a management consultant at the State University of Limburg, taught Business Administration at the Philips Management Training Group, was a consultant for the Management Board of the Physics Laboratory and he worked as a consultant at the Corporate Organization & Efficiency for the Philips International Board of Directors.

Mathieu Weggeman is also founder of the concept ESH Framework and Knowledge Value Chain.

When he was working for the Philips Board of Directors, Mathieu Weggeman learned the trade from masters such as C.K. Prahalad and Sumantra Ghoshal.

He was also a partner at Twynstra Gudde Management Consultants and Chief Innovation Officer at de Baak Management centre VNO-NCW.

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In his own consultancy practice Mathieu Weggeman is involved in matters which include designing and controlling knowledge-intensive organizations, facilitating an innovation and knowledge-friendly culture, the productivity of Employee 2.0 and stimulating the aesthetics of work processes.

Mathieu Weggeman is one of the founders of the concept of ‘knowledge management‘. His research is focused on understanding and explaining innovation processes in technology- and knowledge-intensive organizations.

Mathieu Weggeman focuses especially on managing professionals, realizing a collective flow in organizations and the working methods of the networking generation (such as crowd sourcing).

In 2001 he received a lifetime achievement award from the Association of Organization Experts and Consultants for his contributions to professional literature.

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In 2005, in Management Team magazine, his colleagues voted him one of the ten most influential management consultants in the Netherlands.

Publications and books

  • 2012. The Rijnland Book of Practice: How do you set up a Rijnland organization?
  • 2012. Book set Management and leadership.
  • 2011. In good company.
  • 2010. Change management book set.
  • 2009. Principles and insights into the Rijnland model.
  • 2008. Managing Professionals? Don’t! How to step back to go forward. Warden Press.
  • 2008. Managing without commandments – Managing Professionals Don’t do it! Scriptum.
  • 2007. Organizing masterfully – Guide for entrepreneurial managers.
  • 2007. The effect of IT and co‐location on knowledge dissemination. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 24(1), 52-68.
  • 2006. Knowledge sharing mechanisms in industrial research. R&D Management, 36(1), 85-95.
  • 2006. Factors for improving the level of knowledge generation in new product development. R&D Management, 36(2), 173-187.
  • 2005. Determinants of the Level of Knowledge Application: A Knowledge‐Based and Information‐Processing Perspective. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22(5), 430-444.
  • 2005. Applying the business excellence model to a research organization. Research-Technology Management, 48(4), 9.
  • 2005. Essenties van organiseren, managen en veranderen, Scriptum.
  • 2003. Exploring purchasing integration in product development. Industrial Marketing Management, 32(1), 69-83.
  • 2003. The structuration of organizational learning. Human relations, 56(9), 1035-1056.
  • 2003. Provocatief adviseren – Organisaties mooier maken, Scriptum.
  • 2003. Creating corporate advantage through purchasing: toward a contingency model. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 39(4), 4-13.
  • 2002. Knowledge and management, Scriptum.
  • 2002. Knowledge management in international mergers. Knowledge and Process Management, 9(2), 83-89.
  • 2000. Knowledge management: practice- Sequel to the famous book Knowledge Management.
  • 2000. Innovation, Corporate Strategy, and Cul tural Context: What Is the Mission for International Business Communication?. Journal of Business Communication, 37(3), 293-316.
  • 1997. Organizing with knowledge.
  • 1997. Knowledge management: structure and management of the knowledge-intensive organization.
  • 1995. Collective ambition development: improving the functioning of knowledge-intensive organizations by applying a MGS (Missions, Goals, Strategy) – intervention in the management process.
  • 1992. Managing Professionals – cashing in on creativity.
  • 1985. Entrepreneurship within the organization – an integral approach.

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Van Vliet, V. (2011). Mathieu Weggeman. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero:

Originally posted on: 06/18/2013 | Last update: 01/23/2024

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Vincent van Vliet

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