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Toolsheroes are leading authorities on proven practices. These persons, often called “gurus“, have very influential ideas or theories about various topics like i.e. management, strategy, marketing, quality management, problem solving, etc.

Toolsheroes are leading authorities on proven practices. These persons, often called “gurus“, have very influential ideas or theories about various topics like i.e. management, strategy, marketing, quality management, problem solving, etc.

Most toolsheroes are scientists, teachers, coaches, consultants, mentors who have the drive to share their knowledge and to help others achieving their practices.These people become highly respected in management circles because their years of study and the many publications and books that they publish. Most of these toolsheroes also speak in public such as seminars, webinars, on tour University colleges and other type of big events.

On the website of ToolsHero, you will find various toolsheroes such as like Tom Peters, Michael Porter, Alexander Osterwalder and many more. All with their own ideas and career background.

All of them have great topics, famous scientific models and theories. We also try to include quotes, if they we’re available, and their publications and books.

Enjoy and suggestions are always welcome.

Azim Premji: net worth, biography and quotes

November 30th, 2022

Azim Premji (born July 24, 1945) is an Indian businessman, engineer, investor and philanthropist. He was long the chairman of Wipro Limited and today still serves as a non-executive member of the board of directors. Azim Hashim Premji is also…

Virginia Satir biography, theory and quotes

November 15th, 2022

Virginia Satir (June 26, 1916 – September 10, 1988) was an American psychotherapist and author. Virginia Satir is recognized as the pioneer of family therapy for her pioneering work in family reconstruction therapy. She is also known for developing the…

Dilip Shanghvi

November 9th, 2022

Dilip Shanghvi (1955), in full Dilip Shantilal Shanghvi, is an Indian businessman and the founder of Sun Pharmaceuticals. Dilip Shanghvi, 66, is considered one of the richest businessmen in India and received the fourth highest civilian honor from the…

Donald Schön biography, quotes and books

November 4th, 2022

Donald Schön (1930-1997) was one of the most influential thinkers who helped develop the theories and case studies of reflective learning within the business services sector. Donald Schön is also famous for his contribution of the development of the single

Malcolm Baldrige

August 31st, 2022

Malcolm Baldrige jr. (1922 – 1987) was especially famous for his role as United States Secretary of Commerce. He was arguably one of the most prominent leaders in the world. Biography Malcolm Baldrige In 1944 Malcolm Baldrige obtained a Bachelor’s degree…

Mary Jo Bitner

August 31st, 2022

Mary Jo Bitner (1950) is a well-known professor and active researcher in the field of services and services marketing. In addition to her ground breaking research in the services sector, she has also contributed to the development and realization…
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