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idea generation

Metaphorical Thinking: the Meaning and Theory

July 4th, 2024

Metaphorical Thinking: this article describes Metaphorical Thinking Or Thinking in Metaphors in a practical way. This article contains a general meaning of Metaphorical Thinking, the power of a metaphorical comparison, techniques and examples. After reading you will understand the basics…

Meta Planning Technique and Process

July 3rd, 2024

Meta Planning Technique: this article explains Meta Planning Technique, developed by Wolfgang Schnelle and Eberhard Schnelle in a practical way. In this article you will find the definition of the Meta Planning Technique, a complete step-by-step plan and examples…

Reverse Brainstorming explained

August 20th, 2023

Reverse Brainstorming: this article describes the Reverse Brainstorming method in a practical way. After reading you will understand the definition, meaning and basics of this powerful brainstorming and creativity tool. What is Reverse Brainstorming? Old-fashioned brainstorming is a creative thinking…

Forced Connections

August 23rd, 2022

Forced Connections: this article explains the concept of Forced Connections in a practical way. After reading it, you will understand the basics of this powerful Creativity tool. What is are Forced Connections? Brainstorming in the business world can become stagnant…
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