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Time Management

Time Management: your chance to improve your skills and enjoy more valuable time!

Time Management: your chance to improve your skills and enjoy more valuable time!

Time is the most valuable resource that a human has. From the moment that we are born, we are dying, and for this reason, time is limited, and we can only lose time. It means that we live in the past. Thus, time is not manageable, it is fixed, and as humans, we have to deal with time because time will eventually kill us.

The question that derives from these statements is why some people achieve more than others when we all have 24 hours per day, despite that we cannot predict the available time in a human life. How many times have you asked yourself: did I did everything that I had to do today? How many seconds or minutes do we waste each day?

These questions lead to time management skills and techniques. As humans, we have the power to eliminate time losses and be effective in time management.

What is time managment?

By definition, time management refers to organizing, planning, and the utilization of time between specific activities to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. It can be executed by utilizing multiple skills, tools, and techniques to accomplish tasks, projects, and goals that are associated with time barriers.

These skills and techniques are in correlation with working smarter, not working harder. Being busy is not similar or identical like being effective or efficient.

Time management contributes to an inner peace due to the level of control by the executor. It results in the elimination of procrastination, the ability to create rational decisions, continuously learn effectively, deliver higher quality work, and it contributes to a disciplined working method. For this reason, time management is the key to be successful and to achieve the greatest accomplishments.

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