Leonard Schlesinger

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Leonard Schlesinger is a management professional and renown author in the field of change management. He is especially known for the Six change approaches, which he developed with John P. Kotter, to minimize resistance to change in organizations.

Biography Leonard Schlesinger

Leonard Schlesinger MBA, graduated from Brown University (AB, American civilization) in 1973, obtained his MBA from the Columbia University Graduate School of Business Administration and his doctorate from Harvard Business School in 1979.

He joined the Harvard faculty as an Instructor in 1978, then advanced to Assistant Professor (1979), Associate Professor (1989) and Professor (1993). Leonard Schlesinger, the Architect and President of Harvard Business School’s (HBS) – MBA Essential Skills and Foundation Programmes, is renowned for his ground-breaking research on the Service Profit Chain.

After his time at Harvard Business School, he worked as a Professor of Sociology and Public Policy and he served as a Councillor to the President at Brown University.

Schlesinger has lectured and consulted on issues relating to service quality, customer satisfaction and organizational change for over 200 large companies, non-profit organizations, governments and international organizations around the world.

Schlesinger was an active leader in the design and the development of the “Work-Out!”- initiative at General Electric and the “Reinventing Government” process for the U.S. Department of Labour. His articles on organizational management have been widely published.

Leonard is the author or co-author of ten books and has written over 40 articles for academic audiences as well as for the New York Times, Fast Company and Harvard Business Review. He has served on editorial boards of four major academic journals and he has published numerous case studies on management issues that have sold well over one million copies.

Quote by Leonard Schlesinger

“Enrollment is not about getting somebody to do something that you want them to do. It’s about offering them the chance to do something they might want to do (in this case, becoming part of your effort).”

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Publications and books by Leonard Schlesinger et al.

  • 2015. What Great Service Leaders Know and Do – Creating Breakthroughs in Service Firms. Berrett-Koehler.
  • 2014. Own Your Future – How to Think Like an Entrepreneur and Thrive in an Unpredictable Economy. Amacom.
  • 2012. New project? Don’t analyze–act. Harvard business review, 90(3), 154-8.
  • 2012. Just Start: Take Action, Embrace Uncertainty, Create the Future. Harvard Business Press.
  • 2010. The Value Profit Chain: Treat Employees Like Customers and Customers Like. Simon and Schuster.
  • 2009. Customer experience creation: Determinants, dynamics and management strategies. Journal of retailing, 85(1), 31-41.
  • 2008. Choosing strategies for change. Harvard business review, 86(7/8), 130.
  • 2008. Putting the service-profit chain to work. Harvard Business Review.
  • 2008. Strong leadership and teamwork drive culture and performance change: Ohio State University Medical Center 2000–2006. Academic Medicine, 83(9), 845-854.
  • 1997. Service profit chain. Simon and Schuster.
  • 1997. Leading the high‐capability organization: Challenges for the twenty‐first century. Human Resource Management, 36(1), 105-113.
  • 1996. Internal service quality, customer and job satisfaction: Linkages and implications for management. Human Resource Planning, 19, 20-31.
  • 1995. Realize your customers’ full profit potential. Harvard Business Review, 73(5), 59-72.
  • 1991. The service-driven service company. Harvard Business Review Case Services.
  • 1991. Breaking the cycle of failure in services. Sloan Management Review, 32(3), 17-28.
  • 1991. Guarantees come to professional service firms. Sloan Management Review, 33(3), 19-20.
  • 1991. Total quality management and the human resource professional: applying the Baldrige framework to human resources. Human Resource Management, 30(4), 433-454.
  • 1991. Enfranchisement of service workers. California Management Review, 33(4), 83-100.
  • 1991. Customer satisfaction is rooted in employee satisfaction. Harvard Business Review, 69(6), 148-149.
  • 1987. Chronicles of corporate change: management lessons from AT&T and its offspring. Free Press.
  • 1984. Quality of work life and the manager: Muddle in the middle. Organizational Dynamics, 13(1), 5-19.
  • 1983. The first-line supervisor: past, present, and future. Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University.
  • 1983. Managing Behavior in Organizations: Text, Cases, and Readings. Theodore Kunin, 90, 957.
  • 1983. The management game.
  • 1982. Quality of work life and the supervisor. Praeger Publishers.
  • 1980. Do supervisors thrive in participative work systems?. Organizational dynamics, 7(3), 25-38.
  • 1979. Choosing strategies for change (pp. pp-106). Harvard Business Review.
  • 1977. The process of work restructuring, and its impact on collective bargaining. Monthly Labor Review, 52-55.
  • 1976. Work Restructuring in Unionized Organizations: Risks, Opportunities, and Impact on Collective Bargaining. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting. Industrial Relations Research Association Series (pp. 345-351).

How to cite this article:
Van Vliet, V. (2011). Leonard Schlesinger. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero: https://www.toolshero.com/toolsheroes/leonard-schlesinger/

Gepubliceerd op: 05/21/2011 | Laatste update: 23/06/2022

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Vincent van Vliet

Vincent van Vliet is co-founder and responsible for the content and release management. Together with the team Vincent sets the strategy and manages the content planning, go-to-market, customer experience and corporate development aspects of the company.

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