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Leadership Styles

Leadership Styles: this short article explains Leadership Styles in a practical way. Next to what it is, this article also highlights the definition, the Types, and tips. Enjoy reading!

Leadership Styles: this short article explains Leadership Styles in a practical way. Next to what it is, this article also highlights the definition, the Types, and tips. Enjoy reading!

What are leadership styles?

John Kotter defined the term leadership styles as follows: the methods of leaders in providing direction, executing plans and motivating people. Many styles of leadership have been identified over the years, as exhibited by leaders in the field of business, politics, military or other fields.


Most business professionals develop their own style based on a few factors such as experience and personality. In addition, the unique needs of the organization and the organizational culture also play an important role in the style of leadership. Every leader is therefore different, but certain styles are often used in the workplace.

These include: Autocratic Leadership, Authoritarian Leadership, Laissez-Faire Leadership, Transformational Leadership and Functional Leadership. Classical leadership style theories include Kurt Lewin’s Four Leadership Styles and the Four Factor Theory of Leadership.

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Tips and tricks

What are the most effective leadership styles in which situation? Is it possible to switch style? Which ones do not always turn out to work well? What competence do I need to be a good leader? The articles on styles are about different ways for leaders to take the organization to the next level.

Situational Leadership Model by Hersey and Blanchard

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Action Centered Leadership Model by John Adair

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