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Psychology Theories

Psychology can be defined as the science that studies the behavior and mind of humans. In their observable behavior it looks at what people do and how they do it.

Psychology can be defined as the science that studies the behavior and mind of humans. In their observable behavior it looks at what people do and how they do it.

Aside from this, the inner processes are studied as well: how do people feel, what do they think and how do they arrive at their decisions? Literally psychology means ‘the study of the mind’, derived from Ancient Greek, where ‘psyche’ means ‘mind’ and ‘logos’ means ‘doctrine’.

By describing and understanding human behavior, psychology also wants to try to predict human behavior. This is easier to do with more general characteristics at a group level than it is on an individual level. It is therefore concerned with the study and understanding of both groups and individuals. This includes looking at what people have in common and what distinguishes them from each other, and what is considered problematic behavior.

Main themes

There are three main themes within psychology:

  • Neuropsychology, which deals with the function of the brain;
  • Clinical psychology, which deals with deviant behavior that is considered undesirable by patient or environment;
  • Industrial & organizational psychology, which deals with the individual and joint operation and performance of people in work situations.

All in all, psychology is an important discipline that allows us to understand ourselves better through different lines of approach, both as individuals and as a group.

What are the most known and used models and methods? What are their success stories and what are best practices for applying them? These articles are about theories and methods that can help you achieve your goals and better understand the different aspects.

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